Friday, June 7, 2013

Accentuate the positive

We're having the kind of day where everything is going wrong and nothing is going right and costs are spiraling wildly out of control while our quality of life diminishes rapidly... so, here. Here are some 'after' pictures. Sort of. This is the basement sprayed with Kilz!

Leftover pile of debris from laundry chute removal. It's all gone now. 

We got $40 for this pile of wire. We would have gotten more money if we had stripped all the insulation off the wire. Yeah right.

So here is the 'big bad' of the day. We're trying to get rid of the dumpster, as it is becoming mattress and box spring central. (None of us have ever put a mattress or box spring in our dumpster. Strange how that happens.) So I thought, we should take down the ceiling tiles in the kitchen and get that in the dumpster. That's about all the demo left to do in this phase.


This is the original plaster ceiling of the kitchen, completely in shambles and full of water and god knows what else, being supported by some flimsy boards and a sheet of plastic. The box for the kitchen light was completely rusted out. Super safe, I'm sure. If I had a couple of big guys, we could have taken down all the upper cabinets and let it rain down upon us. Alas, I have no big guys lounging around my house waiting for orders. There doesn't seem to be a way to take down the ceiling without taking down and/or potentially damaging the cabinets, which I do not have the funds to replace. While the removal of the upstairs bathroom floor may have helped this destruction along, we still can't clean this out from above and if we could it would only go halfway across before the upstairs bedroom covered it up again. Not to mention that next week we lose our helper and I am supposed to be studying for boards. We have no idea when we will have the money to tackle the kitchen since it's tied up in our current house so it appears that this is going to be here for a bit. Until something miraculous happens, or whatever. 

In case you're wondering, I do give up on this house. I give up on it all the time. Sometimes several times a day. I just usually get over it pretty quickly. 

This time... we've been broken up for about four hours. I'm still not speaking to it. 

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