Saturday, August 3, 2013

Outside excitement

Kite flying in the park

After at least two months of phone calls, visits, contractors, assistant managers, etc., we have a new door! I say A new door, because naturally they brought a door for the back that was about 4" too short. Despite the fact that we paid them to measure the doors, and special ordered the doors, etc. etc. So they just extended the door jamb to make it fit and are going to reorder the correct size door and reinstall it for free. In four weeks. Of course. They also spent a lot of time on replacing the garage door, but I didn't get a picture of that. Way to go, blue store.  
This is the door on the side of the house. I wanted something with some glass to get some light on the stairs but not so much glass that I would have to put a security door on it. I had about three options in the special order size. I hope this is a workable compromise. I also distinctly remember saying I wanted the nickel hardware, and yet this brass was installed. Oh well. It is a door. A special order, super short door. I want to paint it green. 

After several weeks of absence, our masons have returned and started building this scaffolding in preparation for fixing the chimney. We hope to see some more progress on the masonry soon. 

In less visible news, round one of new electric has been installed, so we have a new line from the pole, a new service, and new circuits for all the mechanicals and the eventual alarm system. 

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