Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Anniversary present

Today marks our one month anniversary of double home ownership. We celebrated by taking out the master bathroom side of the plumbing wall, most of the 'mud' from the floor of the upstairs bathroom, and about 50% of the linoleum in the kitchen and mudroom. Grandpa T did the bathroom and then we both worked on the wall while the Mr. walked through with the estimator working on specs for the electrical and plumbing bids. Then the guys went home and I worked on the linoleum. Grandpa hung around long enough to see what I was uncovering - by golly, it's pine!

After an hour of scraping and after most of the functionality of my right arm was gone, this is what I ended up with. I think it's beautiful but it is very soft. I have no idea how old it is, as the linoleum from 1975 just had a pad underneath it. I haven't gotten into the mudroom yet but I'm assuming that it runs to the back door. Tonight I will be googling for ideas on what to do with it. Paint? Poly? Waterlox? 

In psychology when we're talking about families and why people don't expose their helpless infants on the hillside, we talk about something called 'attachment promoting behaviors'. This is basically what your baby does to convince you that it is lovable, adorable, and worth all of your sleepless nights, your freedom, your money and your body. Cooing, smiling, snuggling, etc. I feel like this house has got this down. When things are looking super hopeless and overwhelming and frustrating, the house manages to turn up something unexpected and promising. I realize wood floors in the House of 1000 Woods isn't that surprising, but I really wasn't expecting them. We've been joking that these people must have owned a lumberyard. The listing agent told us that the original builders actually owned a furniture store, but close enough, I guess. 

The mason is hard at work, which pleases the Mr. greatly. As the mason and the Mr. were walking around pointing at stuff the mason's wife, who works as his assistant, commented "they're a perfect match. Picky, picky, picky." Indeed, they are a pair made in OCD heaven. Works out fine for me, since I'm going to have a beautiful house when they're done. 

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