Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Mud Room

This isn't a particularly exciting room, but it's an important one. With a large dog and a small child living on 150 acres of park, a good mudroom is a must.

See this flooring seam? There's an even bigger one running straight down the middle of the kitchen.

We have to replace the exterior door for sure, and we don't plan to use the washer and dryer hook ups. So the plan is to have those taken down, take out the pantry (hiding behind the door jam to the left) so that there's room for the fridge, and do some built in storage under the window and along the wall. Once we move the doorway to the kitchen, we'd like to squeeze in a utility sink in that corner. 

The only rooms in the entire house with painted trim are the mudroom, the kitchen and the upstairs bathroom. The upstairs bath and the kitchen will all get the BM Mayonnaise treatment. I'm still undecided on the color scheme for this room. 

This HouseBeautiful picture makes me think about the orange bathroom, and about how making that connection would be so clever: 

The Kid actually had that striped jacket (from Target!) and just outgrew it. Dang. Do people in HouseBeautiful shop at Target? 

The Idea Room 'organizational boards' is what I'm aiming for on the north wall: 

I can totally DIY this, right? 

But if not, I like this too: 

My dream utility sink: 

The Mr. laughs at this picture. But he's okay with a Home Depot sink/cabinet combo doohick. 

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